Our Vida students are so excited to be back at school, even though things look a little different this year! If you’re connected to any school-aged children in Canada, you know that Covid protocols can vary widely depending on the region, and that requirements can change quickly. The same is certainly true in Guatemala. But here’s an update of what school looks like for our Vida students right now.

Last week, most of our students were back in school, but attending on alternate days. They’re usually required to wear masks and face shields, and they sanitize their hands and get their temperature checked before they enter the school grounds.
This is largely dependent on the “Covid alert level” in the area. On Friday, Alta Vera Paz moved to red alert, so students in these schools are temporarily learning from home again. Schools in Baja Vera Paz – Mocohán, Purulhá and Vida Nueva – are still open with staggered attendance.

When schools are open, the children are once again receiving a nutritious meal at school, although until attendance is full-time again, we’re still supplementing those meals with food packages for the families.

The school day starts with a devotional – often outside – and it’s so good to hear voices raised in worship together once again!

With only half the students in attendance at a time, there’s lots of space to spread out throughout the day, including in the classroom. And at the end of the school day, the children receive a learning package to complete from home. The next day, the other half of the students take their turn attending class.

A few of our youngest students in our less remote schools are still learning from home full-time even at lower alert levels. The teachers are visiting these children with special learning activities, and the children are always so excited to see their teachers!

We also have a new weekend study program that some of our older students are taking advantage of. The Vida Extension Program is allowing some of our Jr High and High School students to study from home on a more flexible schedule, with learning supports (and a special devotional time) available on the weekend.

Regardless of how our students are studying, our teachers are doing their best to support their learning. Please pray for all our students and staff as they adjust to the new realities of what school looks like this year. And thank you for being part of growing godly leaders in Guatemala!
(Our sponsorship office in Guatemala is working hard to update the student packages for the 2021 school year. You can see our children still waiting for a sponsor here.)