Will you help us build another three classrooms at the Vida Chijacorral School campus in Tactic, Guatemala?
In the morning, Vida Chijacorral is full of our younger students. Children from preschool to Grade 7 fill every available classroom, energetically learning to read, to study, and, of course, to praise the Lord!
In the afternoon, the volume is, perhaps, a bit more subdued – but the learning is no less energetic. Our junior high students are working hard to meet their Grade 10 graduation requirements. And our senior high students are learning to be teachers themselves as part of the Vida Teacher Training program.
Our year-end Build a Brighter Future campaign always includes a school construction project – and this year we’re raising money to build three new classrooms at Vida Chijacorral. Last year there weren’t enough classes for all the children who wanted to attend – and that needs to change!
Whenever we build a classroom in one of our Vida schools, there is space for another teacher to minister to another 25 children – twice that, if the classroom is used both in the morning and afternoon. So right now, not only will your gift itself be doubled, as Build a Brighter Future campaign gifts are matched dollar for dollar (up to $100,000!), but the impact of the classrooms will be doubled once they’re at full capacity in both the mornings and the afternoons!
We want to build these classrooms this coming year, so that we can start filling them in January 2021! Will you help us ensure that we don’t have to turn away children at Vida Chijacorral?
For our students, having a school to go to is so much more than just an education. Vida schools provide academics, health care, nutrition, a loving community, and an introduction to God’s faithfulness. New classrooms will allow us to welcome more children into this school!
(This year, our Build a Brighter Future campaign will help build additional classrooms at Vida Chijacorral School as well as supporting other construction projects and educational programs. Double your impact by giving today!)