Some pretty amazing North Americans!

We’ve often said that our Guatemalan teachers and pastors are our front-line missionaries, as we grow godly leaders in Tactic and the surrounding communities. But we also have some pretty amazing Canadians on the ground in Guatemala helping to make sure Impact Ministries runs smoothly!

If you’ve been on a short-term mission trip with Impact, you know why we appreciate Julie! Julie and her husband Julio coordinate our short-term mission programs, organizing all the moving parts when your team comes to Guatemala to make sure your time is impactful.

Among a myriad of roles, Ruth manages our sponsorship program in Guatemala. She organizes all those wonderful pictures you get of your sponsor children and the classes you support. (She also provides oversight in the admin office, coordinates at the clinic, and she’s married to Walter, who is integral to so many Impact Ministries programs, from construction to Bible teaching.)

Liz has been teaching in Guatemala for the past half-dozen years. She teaches English as a Foreign Language in several Vida Schools, and mentors our English Teachers who come for shorter stints. In the afternoons, Liz also volunteers her time tutoring the adopted Guatemalan son of the field directors.

And, of course, Les & Rita, our Founders and Field Directors. Under their leadership, over the last nineteen years, Impact Ministries has grown from merely a dream to a thriving ministry including school programs, churches, and much more.

Did you know that every Impact Ministries missionary raises their own support to serve in Guatemala?  A big thank you to all of you who are already part of the team allowing these incredible people to impact lives in Guatemala!  If you’d like to invest in the great things our missionaries are doing, would you consider joining their ministry team today with a monthly gift? A monthly donation, even if it is small, is the most significant way you can contribute to allow our missionaries to focus on God’s work.  One-time gifts are also a blessing!

Thank you for joining in on the work that God is doing in Guatemala!

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