A Special Bond

“Every team member replied back individually that they felt sponsoring the class in Vida Nueva was the right decision! To me it felt like God was orchestrating it the whole way!”

Rock Prairie Church decided to support a class after their first Impact Trip. In Guatemala, Brittany McCorkle had seen the impact of worshiping alongside the Vida children and visiting their homes. “My desire was to see the kids at our church grow in their awareness of God’s heart for people all around the world,” she says. “In that moment, I felt that God was telling me that we need to sponsor a class.”

Back home, Brittany broached the idea with her church – and learned that Rock Prairie’s children’s ministry director, too, wanted to help their children pray for people in another country. The team responsible for global missionary partners sought God’s direction, and reached out to Impact Ministries to see if there were still classes without any sponsors. The unanimous vote for a specific class from those they received confirmed their choice. “We have been extremely blessed by that decision ever since,” says Brittany.

Now, the children at Rock Prairie pray often for these children in Guatemala whom they have never met. “The conversations of our kids and seeing God’s work through missions is huge!” says Liz Quinn, the children’s ministry director. In each classroom, Liz has posted the photos of a few of the Vida students, so the children can put faces to the names they are praying for. The church sends messages and pictures of the church kids to Guatemala too. “It’s a great way for our kids to serve at a young level,” says Liz, “ and they’re always excited to hear updates!”

When the next Rock Prairie team visited Guatemala, they came with homemade postcards from the Rock Prairie kids. They were met with a huge thank you banner, flowers, balloons and lots of confetti! “Visiting our class in Guatemala was a huge highlight of our trip!” says Brittany. “Especially listening to them sing Jesus Loves Me not only in Spanish, but in English.” The team recorded the song to share with the Rock Prairie kids. And that banner? It now hangs in the children’s wing, another reminder for the kids to pray for their friends in Guatemala.

Welcome banner with kids from the church and pictures of students from the sponsor class

Sponsoring a class is such a special bond,” says Brittany. “Not only seeing their faces, but praying for these kids to grow in their faith with Jesus. Being part of that journey in their lives can bless your life too!

Mission Team praying for sponsor class

(You can support a class in Guatemala individually or as a group. We’ve seen lots of families, churches, and Christian schools use the opportunity to soften their kids’ hearts to how God is working around the world. Of course, it’s not just for kids! Learn more about sponsoring a class)

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